Don’t I have a right to complain?
Don’t wild donkeys bray when they find no grass,
and oxen bellow when they have no food?
(Job 6:5 NLT)
One thing I have noticed since walking with Jesus is that a change in seasons can quickly lead me to doubt God’s faithfulness and Jesus’ purpose for dying on the cross. Since entering the battlefield of worship ministry, trying to connect with other women who love Jesus, and floundering through the world of dating, I have fallen into dark seasons of confusion and pain, just like Job. Just like we all have.
My hope is that the music and writing shared on this website will encourage us to stay eager at the feet of Jesus. To recognize that His love is utterly without condition. I also hope that we can awaken to the reality of the process that it takes to get to that place of peace with Jesus and with ourselves. We have to learn first about His character, like Job did in his darkest hour. Then we have to learn about ourselves, apart from what anyone else says. And in a miraculous collision of grace and humanity, we can find peace with Jesus. I hope to go on this journey with you.
Job, who was blameless before the Lord, had gone from prosperity to utter desolation and emptiness. (Sometimes I feel like I can go through this multiple times in one day!) Job initially responded by sitting low in the ashes of his life and complaining to God. Job had to learn the importance of listening to God’s voice above the voices of others. The Father reveals His character, and Job begins again to ascend into joy and life, just like I hope we all can.
May this website bless you on your pilgrimage with Jesus. May your heart be encouraged by His Spirit. May the songs and stories shared here be nourishment in your weariness, and celebration in your joy. Thank you for stumbling onto this website. . . may Jesus bless you here!
With love and prayer,